Theory of Change

Human connections are important in international relations because they can help build trust, generate stability, promote understanding, build trust and soft power, acknowledge and respect their common humanity, understand and conduct interstate relations, bring together diverse groups that share a common goal, and increase and expand their influence at different levels.

In times like this, bilateral relations between Bouake and the rest of the world are a crucial aspect of their mutual ability to overcome new challenges and transform their economic, diplomatic, and cultural cooperation by reshaping their strategic collaboration with society.

Placing the bilateral relations center stage and economic cooperation as the context entails reinforcing the region’s long history in the business and government domains, based on the vision that what is truly significant is building strong business and human connections as the sources of shared growth and opportunity development for the next 200 years.

With a burning belief in the power of current and future generations of leaders to drive positive transformation for Africa and the State of Israel, the Bouake Council on Global Affairs is committed to promoting, fostering, and advancing economic development, trade cooperation, and capital investment in Bouake.

We strongly believe that humans and businesses that constitute both the region of Bouake present a unique opportunity to forge long-term diplomatic and economic partnerships and build strategic collaborations in which everybody wins.

We strongly proclaim that the reinforcement of Bouake and the rest of the world through the Bouake Council on Global Affairs economic relations and deepening cross-border connections will lead to economic growth, technological innovation, capital investment, and win-win partnership developments.

Who We Are

The Bouake Council on Global Affairs is a leading international public-private partnership and cooperation platform that strives to bring together business and government leaders from both Bouake and Côte d’Ivoire to deepen their economic development relationships. Our purpose is to promote, foster, and advance economic development, trade cooperation, and capital investment between Bouake and the rest of the world. We also encourage the development of strategic economic cooperation and alliances with corporations and development organizations from both sides.

Our vision

Founded in 2024, we foster innovative public-private partnerships, enhancing economic relations between Bouake and the rest of the world.

Our Principal Mission

We are dedicated to promoting sustainable economic growth, collaboration, and opportunities for Bouake, ensuring a better economic landscape for the people of Bouake.

Our Missions

The Bouake Council on Global Affairs believes that the relations between Bouake and the rest of the world can be strengthened, diversified, and reinvigorated. The BOCOGA’s vision and mission include:

  1. Promoting Bouake’s economic relations to benefit current and future generations of business and government leaders.
  2. Enhancing strategic partnerships and collaborations: we work with local and international leaders in business and government to take Bouake economic relations to the next level of growth, success, and impact.
  3. Build coalitions for resource mobilization
  4. Drive a sustainable lobby: We work with various partners to maintain a long-term, sustainable economic relationship that benefits both sides.

Our core values 

At the Bouake Council on Global Affairs, our core values are the cornerstone of the corporation’s culture. They set out the central, guiding beliefs and principles that underpin our company. The four core values guide the Bouake Council on Global Affairs:

  • Passion for innovation.
  • Commitment to collaboration and partnership
  • Leading by example and solidarity.
  • Serving with integrity.

Our global strategy 

We engage with high-level leaders in business and government such as Heads of State, prime ministers, business leaders, international economic development executives, diplomats, entrepreneurs, and many more.

Our Leadership 

Our global executive team leads our corporation, and strategy, and guides our people. 

Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD is the Founding President, CEO & Global Special Envoy for the Bouake Council on Global Affairs, a leading international public-private partnership and cooperation platform that strives to bring together business and government leaders from Bouake and Cote d’Ivoire to deepen their economic development relationships. 

Our Impact

As great leaders, we have extraordinary potential to take the Bouake economic and international relations to the next level of success, performance, and greatness. At the Bouake Council on Global Affairs, we are committed to making the Bouake development relations stronger, inclusive, and beneficial.  This is why our work focuses on charting a new path of sustainable cooperation between Bouake and the rest of the world while developing and consolidating responsible business conduct.

By Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD, President, CEO & Special Envoy for the AU, UN, EU, Bretton Woods and Multilateral Institutions


Who We Are

The Africa—Israel Economic Cooperation Committee is a leading international public-private partnership and cooperation platform that strives to bring together business and government leaders from both Africa and Israel to deepen their economic development relationships. Our purpose is to promote, foster, and advance economic development, trade cooperation, and capital investment between Africa, the State of Israel, and the entire Jewish diaspora across the globe.

We also encourage the development of strategic economic cooperation and alliances with corporations and development organizations from both sides.

Our vision

Founded in 2024, we foster innovative public-private partnerships, enhancing economic relations between African nations and Israel for a prosperous mutual future.

Our Principal Mission

We are dedicated to promoting sustainable economic growth, collaboration, and opportunities for African companies and Israel, ensuring a better economic landscape for all involved nations.

Our Missions

The Africa—Israel Economic Cooperation Committee believes that the relations between Africa and the State of Israel can be strengthened, diversified, and reinvigorated. The AIECC’s vision and mission include:

  1. Reinforcing Africa – Israel’s economic relations to benefit current and future generations of business and government leaders.
  2. Enhancing strategic partnerships and collaborations: we work with African and Israeli leaders in business and government to take the Africa – Israel economic relations to the next level of growth, success, and impact.
  3. Build coalitions for resource mobilization
  4. Drive a sustainable lobby: We work with African and Israeli leaders to maintain a long-term, sustainable economic relationship that benefits both sides.

Our core values 

At the Africa—Israel Economic Cooperation Committee, our core values are the cornerstone of the corporation’s culture. They set out the central, guiding beliefs and principles that underpin our company. The four core values guide the Israel Economic Cooperation Committee.

  • Passion for innovation.
  • Commitment to collaboration and partnership
  • Leading by example and solidarity.
  • Serving with integrity.

Our global strategy 

We engage with high-level leaders in business and government such as Heads of State, prime ministers, business leaders, international economic development executives, diplomats, entrepreneurs, and many more.

Our Leadership 

Our global executive team leads our corporation, and strategy, and guides our people. 

Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD is the Founding President, CEO & Global Special Envoy for the Africa—Israel Economic Cooperation Committee, a leading international public-private partnership and cooperation platform that strives to bring together business and government leaders from both Africa and Israel to deepen their economic development relationships. 

Our Impact

As great leaders, we have extraordinary potential to take the Africa-Israel economic and international relations to the next level of success, performance, and greatness. At the Africa – Israel Economic Cooperation Committee, we are committed to making the Africa – Israel Economic relations stronger, inclusive, and beneficial.  This is why our work focuses on charting a new path of sustainable cooperation between African countries and the State of Israel while developing and consolidating responsible business conduct.

By Jean Narcisse Djaha, PhD, President, CEO & Special Envoy for the AU, UN, EU, Bretton Woods and Multilateral Institutions

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